WANG Yan-yan, WEN Hu |
College of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha 410079, China |
Abstract While economic globalization has suffered from the impact of the epidemic of Corona-virus, and the manufacturing value chain has been severely affected, the development of China's cultural and creative industries has been accelerating, driven by the emergence of digital technology and the domestic market. Using a sample of 347 cultural and creative enterprises listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen as of the third quarter of 2020, and their foreign investments in 7, 828 companies, this paper employs spatial and social network analysis to carve out the characteristics of four major functional division of city networks in the value chain; the level of specialization in each city is measured. The study found that: Firstly, the value chain of China's cultural and creative industries is complete, and the domestic circulation pattern is basically complete. Among them, the production and production network is the smallest and the least connected; The nodes of these two types of functional networks are mostly prefecture-level cities with relatively low costs. The research and development, wholesale and retail networks are in the middle of the scale, and strong connections mostly occur between economically developed first-tier cities. Secondly, the spatial distribution of the four types of functional cities is distinctive: the research and development cities represented by Beijing and Tianjin, Wuhan, Chengdu and other national central cities are few in number and spatially dispersed. The production cities represented by Jinhua, Taizhou, Shaoxing, Wuxi and Nanjing are highly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta. The wholesale and retail cities represented by Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Xiamen and Fuzhou are mainly clustered in the southeast coast, mainly in the Pearl River Delta and the Minnan Delta. The number of operational service cities is large and relatively evenly distributed, basically fitting the "Hu Huanyong Line" throughout the east-central cities and a few western provincial capitals.
Received: 30 July 2023
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